Friday 30 September 2011

Photoshopped picture for my front cover.

I have moved the image down to create room for the masthead. I had to copy and paste the brick pattern in the background to fill in the white space.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Printscreens of me using photoshop to improve my front cover image.

Photographs for contents.

 This picture if for the competition picture. It was originally supposed to be an Ipad but I chose to change it to a computer instead because it seems more school appropriate and I couldn't find an Ipad to photograph.
This could be improved by using a newer looking computer to make it seem more realistic.
This is the picture for my interview collumn. I chose to change this also from a picture of a teacher to a picture of two students because I thought students would rather read an interview with two students who have also just began sixthform than a teacher because it's more relatable.
This could be improved by using a different angle and having them both standing or sitting.
This is the picture for my editors letter.
This could be improved using a shot looking towards camera.

Photographs for the front cover.

The beam of ligh coming down from the right hand side makes the photograph look as if it is a bad quality picture because it makes it appear slightly blurred.
It also doesn't have enough space for the masthead at the top.
Again, there is a blur of light in the bottom right-hand corner. The photo does have enough room for the masthead but the background does not conote anything to do with school or college.

I'm going to use the top picture because it conotes more to do with school than the trees do because it shows the school building in tha background. I could do this better by making sure there is room above for the masthead to fit and the lighting was better, although that can be photoshopped out if needs be.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Layout for my magazine front cover and contents page

Plans for my contents page.

I am going to use three collumns for my contents page.
It will include my masthead, images related to the articles and the articles will be split into catogries to help readers find what article they want to read.

Plan for my front cover.

I am going to use someone from my class because the magazine is targeted at sixthform students.
The mise-en-scene is going to be outside the school, aslong as the weather is nice.
The coverlines are all going to relate to the new school year and show that the contents of the magazine is helpful for students.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

The similarities and differences between magazine front covers.

Magazines used:
  • Now.
  • Hello.
  • Good house keeping.
  • Women's own.
  • Doctor Who.

These magazine covers had many similarities.
Each of these magazines had a main image that depicted what the main story would be about. These images where all either mid shots or long mid shots of celebrities. This picture, unless a paparazzi shot, uses direct address so the celebrity is looking straight into the camera. The main coverline should also match the main image. They was also smaller images around the main image with from three to seven subheadings to show what other stories would be included in the magazine. There isn't often a great range of fonts used on the covers, the masthead font is unique and there is only usualy one of two other fonts used within the subheadings. Within the masthead and subheadings there is usually some sort of colour scheme using two or three different colours.
Another similarity they all had was a barcode and price on the front. The barcode is usually at the bottom and the price is at the top. Usually by the barcode is the date the magazine was first put into shops.

The only totally noticable differences in these magazine covers is the target audience. The women who read things like Now, Hello and Womens own would most likely be younger than the woman who read Good house keeping. I can tell this by reading the coverlines, looking at the colour schemes and what the main image is and what the magazine itself is actually about. The Doctor Who magazine is aimed at children, this is clear because at the top is mentions that there is a free yoyo and stickers and there is also posters included inside. And the colours and images suggest it is more dirrected at boys.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

The codes and conventions of magazine contents pages.

Contents pages are used to help the reader find and article and show them what is included in that issue of the magazine.

They all include five to nine different fonts, similar or the same to the ones used on the cover. Another thing that is the same as the cover is the colour scheme used. They also have the date along the bottom of the page.
A thing that is totally unique to contents pages are editors letters. These are letters written by the editor losely based around the contents of the weeks/months edition and they almost always include a picture of the editor themselves.
The actual contents themselves are catagorised under subheadings in number order. This is done to help the reader find a specific article about the subject they want to read about. E.g Closer is split into "celeb news", "real life", "we love shopping" and "we love our bodies."
Each of the contents pages i looked at also used graphics that fitted in with their colour scheme.
The images on the contents pages were arranged very differently to the images on the front cover, there isnt just one main image. They were scattered, in some sort of order, across the page with captions or numbers to link them to whatever story they are about.
The magazine mast head is at the top of the page, and either by this or at the bottom there is contact details for the magazine (number/website.)

Sunday 18 September 2011

You've been framed!

                                           A big close up of someone using a mobile phone.

                                                   A close up of someone in nature.

                                                    A two shot in medium close up.

                                            An over the shoulder shot of someone writing.

A very long shot conveying isolation.

                                                                        A long shot.

                                                               A medium close up.

                                                       A low angle medium close up.

                                           A phoyograph that has conotations of friendship.

                                                        An extreme close up of time.

                                                A photograph with conotations of stress.

                                                              A high angle long shot.